Tuesday, 30 November 2010


This was our first poster we created as a group using photos we took in our photo shoot which we then digitally manipulated on photoshop using various affects.
The band name was a concept of mine which took a lot of though. I came to the decision of 'Rivals' as it linked well to the songs narrative as it was about two siblings with a lot of rivalry and anger in their lives. Heidie and Elliot both aggreed it suited out record and label so we went ahead and used it for our digi pack.

We asked the class for some feedback and got given some constructive critisism about our layout and fonts we used which could be significantly improved. Firstly, we were told to remove the quotation marks as it seemed too gramaticially correct. After this it seemed we were using to much propper English and found removing them was a good idea.
Secondly, people mentioned that we had too much writing between the pictures and they thought it appeared more like an advertisment for a new film coming out. 'Dont miss your latest dose of rivalry' sounds more like a catchy slogan you would find on a tv advert or trailer/poster for a new film.
Lastly, 'Rivals' placed at the bottom of the magazine advert seemed more like the 'Barbie' brand signiture which is definitely not the look we were aiming for. Our peers suggested we change the font to something more striking such as an italic, swirly font and less bold but larger in size. We are going to take on board this critisism and improve our magazine advert for our digi-pack.

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